picture by Andrei - www.lightdesignworks.com
It's been a really busy year. So much has happened in our studio, let me try and summarise it for you:
Finally, Morewood have produced two cross-country bikes which we created all the product branding for. We also built a microsite for their KENDA Morewood Racing Team.
We employed another person for the studio. We won a pitch for a boutique hotel.
We've designed an e-commerce website for the European market.
Trevor & Ruth welcomed their 3rd born to the world, Sofia.
We went to Eurobike again and finally landed the Canadian brand Straitline.
We worked with Greg Wright Architects on an internal project. Ismail is just about to finish an e-commerce site for Rushsports, with a little help from Tom, who always seems to be busy building iphone apps for Platters.
Wade is busy mastering the new Golden Planes website for Two Shoes, after finishing the new Southern Charter website.
We worked on a proposal for one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies on the globe. The POD website is now in soft-launch phase, thanks to Admataz. And we still need to update ISIC, Global CFDs and XOIP. Not to mention reworking the Morewood website, naming a new brand, and finishing a brochure and corporate identity.
So, you can understand that work, and 140 character tweets have been raised on my agenda. So check that our here. I must admit though, I have suffered from something called twitter jitter. Crazy.
Don't forget that ghosting is now an official sport. And also, please take note that the Oxford Dictionary has just announced their word of the year: "Unfriend"
So, with that in mind, feel free to follow, unfollow, linkback, trackback, ping or just simply talk about us, or these great topics.