Someone once told me that an opinion is like a belly button; everybody has one. But when you meet a fanatic, they might also start to point out how much bigger their naval is.
The debate in question was the colour of the Shova ST.
The other week I met with a rather enthusiastic
Warthog who was riding a pink Morewood Shova ST signed by Patrick Morewood. The Warthog, who shall remain nameless, was very vocal about the
standard colour option, karoo sand. So much so that he emailed me about it later in the week saying that he had tripped over one due to its virtually invisible shade of colour. Well, you can't please everyone, but you can give your customers a choice. And in 2008 that is what we intend to give those fanatical mountain bikers the world over, choice.
We have been working with Patrick Morewood and Richard Carter at Morewood bikes for about five years now, and it is amazing to see how much the company has grown in that time.The Shova ST is also being raced for the first time in the 2007 Cape Epic by Rob Peters and Stuart Davies, two desk jockeys from iafrica.com. But it also is one of Morewood's most popular selling bikes in Europe to date, behind the Shova LT.Picture by Gary Perkin. Taken at Paarl Monument of Gary's new bike.
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