This is a good day. Sploosh was asked to do a creative pitch for an existing client last month. We put together a presentation two weeks ago after working ourselves pretty hard with other deadlines on the go. And today, is decision day for our client!
We'll keep you posted..
Oi oi, lets here the answer then?!
interesting, so you basically just tell everyone what happened in your day???
Yes roy, basically. A blog is slightly more than that though. Its also the "town square" for freedom of speech.
Well for one thing it is completely interactive, like this. I can't stop you from speaking your mind, nor can you stop me from doing some name calling. A "website" has a different agenda, its edited, and usually serves the needs of the company or corporate entity, as apposed to an individual. Hence, a web log. An online jornal, a conversation. This.
And for the record, we still havent heard about our creative pitch!
Back to the subject. We lost the pitch, but the client feedback was as follows: "You definately had the strongest conceptual and creative."
We have some refinement in our service offering to consider in the future, and have learnt a great deal from doing this pitch.
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